Great Falls Bicycle Club > Green Rearden Gulch Out and Back

Green Rearden Gulch Out and Back

The old loop route is now partly Wilderness but each end of the loop is open to bikes.  This ride has outstanding scenery and many miles of fun riding.  However, parts of the trail are quite difficult.  The ride is recommended for advanced to expert MTB riders.  Allow at least 5 hours.  The Garmin printout below shows mileage and other trail statistics.

Green Rearden Loop  Garmin Data

Green Rierdon MTB Trail Map


2 thoughts on “Green Rearden Gulch Out and Back

  1. I just heard that the Green Rierdan loop was closed to bikes beginning in January of this year? How sad and unfortunate. I was planning to ride that this summer. Can you confirm that for me?

    Thanks, and great website. I wish we had something this progressive in Flagstaff.


    1. HI Joe, Yes, it is true that passage of the Rocky Mtn Front Heritage Act has closed about half of this loop ride to bicycling. If you like that type of ride, you might try the North Fork of Birch Creek. Ride info posted on the web site. Write again when you come to Great Falls if you’d like to hook up with some of the locals.

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