Great Falls Bicycle Club > News > Heritage Act creates MTB opportunities

Heritage Act creates MTB opportunities

The Rocky Mountain Front Heritage Act may create new opportunities for mountain bike riding in the Front. Although some of the Green/Rearden Loop is now off limits, the bill contains provisions that are favorable to biking in the Front.

A clause in the bill says

Not later than 2 years after the date of enactment of this Act, the Secretary of Agriculture, in consultation with interested parties, shall conduct a study to improve nonmotorized recreation trail opportunities (including mountain bicycling) on land not designated as wilderness within the district.

We bicyclists need to be discussing opportunities to “improve nonmotorized recreation trail opportunities” in the Front. Keep your thinking caps on and your ears open for opportunities to contribute to the study when the time comes. A few ride ideas (snowshoe?) in the Front are on the GFBC web page.

GFBC had many discussions with former Senator Baucus’s staff as the bill was drafted. It was hoped that Great Falls bicyclists would bring ideas to the Forest Service about areas and trails to focus on.

Additionally, most of the newly protected land in the Act is “Conservation Management Area” which is a bicycling friendly designation. IMBA and MMBA are huge supporters of this designation.

Thanks to all who helped prepare the Act.

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